COMFORTZONE GOLD is a glass aquarium heater with a thermostat whose contacts are covered with a layer of gold. Conventional glass heaters for aquariums basically consist of a thermostat, thermostat contacts, and a heating coil.
The thermostat controls the water temperature in the tank and, when necessary, switches the heating coil on or off by connecting or disconnecting the contacts.
Thermostat contacts constitute the weakest link of this system. Although their operation is electronically assisted, metal oxidation gradually causes their surface to corrode. Corrosion shortens the useful life of the heater and decreases the precision of their operation. In COMFORTZONE GOLD heaters, this problem has been eliminated thanks to the electrodeposited coating of thermostat contacts with a layer of gold.
Being one of the least reactive metals, gold is resistant to oxidation. This solution significantly extends the useful life of COMFORTZONE GOLD heater and keeps the precision of its operation. This heater guarantees many years of failure-free operation and complete thermal safety of the animals kept in your aquarium. 25w FOR 10-25 LITERS AQUARIUM FULLY AUTOMATIC HEATER TEMPERATURE 18-32C